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Complex Additional Health Needs
Complex Additional Health Needs
What does presenting with Complex Needs mean ?
Some of our Outlook Care service customers with learning disabilities will sometimes have multiple conditions that exist for the person allowing them to have a complex presentation. These complex conditions can mean that they present with a range of issues and selection of needs that affect their:
- Mental health conditions
- ability to form and manage relationships.
- behaviour of concern to self or others
- physical appearance
- health conditions
- sensory differences
- communication difficulties
- cognitive ability
- Physical health needs
- Particular syndromes that offer varying presentations
These interlocking conditions can make it difficult to assess or treat the individual in a person-centred way. Where someone’s needs aren’t being understood, complex needs can present in other presentations and these customers can be deemed to have behaviours of concern. Having assessed the needs of our customers , we can provide person-centred support that can help individuals to engage effectively and to participate meaningfully in the wider community.
We also utilise the support from other professionals both within outlook care and from external sources.
Our PBS (Positive Behaviour) model of Support can help support our customers with Complex presentations to live an active life within our resident and Supported living services , our inclusive approach will always ensure that the customer and their families or representatives are included in their care and support pathway. Our care and support pathway offers support within our residential and supported living services , to ensure that the persons aspirations are met within the best environment suited to their needs .
How Can Outlook Care Help
We support everyone, ranging from individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and mild learning disabilities to those who have limited or no verbal communication, sensory processing disorders, as well as those with physical disabilities and complex additional health needs.
With our approach of delivering person-centred care and support using a Positive behaviour approach , we work to ensure that the support we provide is properly tailored to the individual, meaning that no matter what the learning disability, our staff teams can help to improve the person’s ongoing wellbeing and help to ensure they lead active and meaningful lives.
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© Copyright Outlook Care
Outlook Care is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act
incorporated on 24th January 1990 and recognised as charitable by HM Revenue and Customs.
Registered Society Number 26988R
Outlook Care Registered Office:
Foxburrow Grange, Ypres Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7NL
Tel : 01277 633163
Email : info@outlookcare.org.uk
Other Outlook Care websites :
Residential Nurse Care & Dementia Care Homes
St George's Nursing Home. Witham