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CQC Single Assessment Framework (SAF)
The CQC Single Assessment Framework - What is it and how does it benefit Outlook Care customers ?
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has introduced a new way of assessing health and social care services in England, known as the Single Assessment Framework (SAF). This framework sets a clear and consistent standard for what good care looks like, ensuring that people using our care homes and services have positive experiences.
How the CQC Single Assessment Framework benefits our users
- Focus on what matters most:
"We" statements outline the commitments providers, commissioners, and system leaders must uphold to deliver truly person-centered care. This means your needs and preferences are always at the forefront of every decision. - Clearer understanding of good care:
"I" statements from the Making It Real framework paint a picture of what good quality personalised care experiences and expectations feel like from your perspective. This helps us tailor our services to your individual needs and expectations. - Emphasis on safety and improvement:
The framework prioritizes your safety and well-being by assessing how effectively systems involve you in safety planning and encourage a culture of open learning. This continuous improvement ensures your care remains as effective as possible.
At Outlook Care, we believe personalised care is the gold standard and are committed to the CQC Single Assessment Framework. We actively seek your feedback and work collaboratively with stakeholders to continuously improve the quality of care we provide. This commitment to excellence ensures you receive the personalised, safe, and effective care that our customers and you deserve.
To discover more :
Visit the text links or guides provided. Or contact Chief Executive, Piotr Rejek, on 01277 633163
- Focus on what matters most:
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Outlook Care is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act
incorporated on 24th January 1990 and recognised as charitable by HM Revenue and Customs.
Registered Society Number 26988R
Outlook Care Registered Office:
Foxburrow Grange, Ypres Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7NL
Tel : 01277 633163
Email : info@outlookcare.org.uk
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Residential Nurse Care & Dementia Care Homes
St George's Nursing Home. Witham